Creating New Requests

Record requests to keep your inventory up to date and organised.

Written by Jasmine Osman Caldeira

Last published at: January 10th, 2023

Creating Requests 

  • Hover over your main Requests Tab and select "Create Request".

  • Within Requests you have three steps:
    • 1. Details of the requests
    • 2. Requested Items
    • 3. Review & Convert



  • Fill out as much information as you can in this section
  • NOTE: all fields with a red asterisk are required.

Setting Reminders

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the "Send me a reminder about this request" drop down menu to set a reminder about the request you're creating. This reminder will be sent to your inbox (The email will be sent to the email address assigned to your username). This can be a general reminder, or if you'll be adding samples at a later date. 
  • You can set the reminder between 1-7 days of the ship date. 
  • Below your reminder drop down menu, you'll see "Configure Notification" with a small cog icon. This display's the list of users subscribed with the ability to add additional recipients. 
  • Once you've filled out all the required fields (marked with a red asterisk*) you have 4 options:
    • Requested Items (Add Samples to your request). This is located at the top of the page. 
    • Cancel Request (Request is not created)
    • Close & Finish Later (This will save the data and allow you to continue your request later).
    • Create (Creates your request, you can add samples to the request at a later date)


Requested items

  • In this section you'll add the Samples to your request, you can do this by:
    • Scan Barcode (Input the barcode by typing the barcode # or scanning it in with your USB scanner).
    • Browse Sample Inventory (Browse for your samples in your Samples Manager).
    • Browse Looks (Browse for your samples via look numbers).
    • Add Queued Samples (Add Samples you have added to your queue in Samples Manager).
    • Create new Sample (Create a new Sample that is not in your inventory on the spot to add to your request).
    • Add by Style Availability (Browse for styles to check availability).
    • Browse Styles (Add a style to your request).
    • NOTE: When a sample is scanned, the style number of that sample is added to the Request, and any other sample with the same Style # appears to scan as well.
    • NOTE: Style consists of a Style Number and a Brand/Designer.

  • Once you're done adding your Samples to your request you can action the following:
  • Find your Samples linked to requested Look/Styles
    • You can do this by clicking "Find Samples" on the left hand side of your screen beneath the Requested headers (shown below).
  • Remove or Decline a Look or Sample 
    • You can do this by clicking the three dots on the left hand side of the sample headers (shown below).
  • Change your layout preference
    • You can do this by clicking "Layout preferences" and dragging in the required fields into your "selected headers". (shown below).
  • NOTE: You can add the "Comments" field into your layout preferences, this is an editable field at this stage. 

Review & Convert

  • On this page you'll review your request and click "Create" once you're happy with the details.
  • Alternatively you can create an early reservation, delivery or purchase.
  • You can do this for specific Samples or for all samples on your request by using your check boxes and queue options as shown below.

  • You can also do the below actions per sample by selecting the queue options drop down menu on the left hand side of each sample.
    • Remove Sample
    • Edit Sample
    • Print Sample
    • Decline Sample


  • Your request will now be available to search in your Request Manager.