Creating Requests
- Hover over your main Requests Tab and select "Create Request".
Within Requests you have three steps:
- 1. Details of the requests
- 2. Requested Items
- 3. Review & Convert
- Fill out as much information as you can in this section
- NOTE: all fields with a red asterisk are required.
Setting Reminders
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the "Send me a reminder about this request" drop down menu to set a reminder about the request you're creating. This reminder will be sent to your inbox (The email will be sent to the email address assigned to your username). This can be a general reminder, or if you'll be adding samples at a later date.
- You can set the reminder between 1-7 days of the ship date.
- Below your reminder drop down menu, you'll see "Configure Notification" with a small cog icon. This display's the list of users subscribed with the ability to add additional recipients.
Once you've filled out all the required fields (marked with a red asterisk*) you have 4 options:
- Requested Items (Add Samples to your request). This is located at the top of the page.
- Cancel Request (Request is not created)
- Close & Finish Later (This will save the data and allow you to continue your request later).
- Create (Creates your request, you can add samples to the request at a later date)
Requested items
In this section you'll add the Samples to your request, you can do this by:
- Scan Barcode (Input the barcode by typing the barcode # or scanning it in with your USB scanner).
- Browse Sample Inventory (Browse for your samples in your Samples Manager).
- Browse Looks (Browse for your samples via look numbers).
- Add Queued Samples (Add Samples you have added to your queue in Samples Manager).
- Create new Sample (Create a new Sample that is not in your inventory on the spot to add to your request).
- Add by Style Availability (Browse for styles to check availability).
- Browse Styles (Add a style to your request).
- NOTE: When a sample is scanned, the style number of that sample is added to the Request, and any other sample with the same Style # appears to scan as well.
NOTE: Style consists of a Style Number and a Brand/Designer.
- Once you're done adding your Samples to your request you can action the following:
Find your Samples linked to requested Look/Styles
- You can do this by clicking "Find Samples" on the left hand side of your screen beneath the Requested headers (shown below).
Remove or Decline a Look or Sample
- You can do this by clicking the three dots on the left hand side of the sample headers (shown below).
Change your layout preference
- You can do this by clicking "Layout preferences" and dragging in the required fields into your "selected headers". (shown below).
- NOTE: You can add the "Comments" field into your layout preferences, this is an editable field at this stage.
Review & Convert
- On this page you'll review your request and click "Create" once you're happy with the details.
- Alternatively you can create an early reservation, delivery or purchase.
- You can do this for specific Samples or for all samples on your request by using your check boxes and queue options as shown below.
You can also do the below actions per sample by selecting the queue options drop down menu on the left hand side of each sample.
- Remove Sample
- Edit Sample
- Print Sample
- Decline Sample
- Your request will now be available to search in your Request Manager.