Replacing Ink & labels for your TLP2824 printer

Written by Jasmine Osman Caldeira

Last published at: August 29th, 2023

Before you begin, make sure you have the following items:



You can use the existing ribbon core already in your printer as your empty ribbon core. If you don’t have an empty ribbon core, use the ribbon core closest to you (when facing the front of your barcode printer) and unroll it. It will have negatives of your barcodes on it. Throw away the unraveled ribbon and keep the empty ribbon core. If you lost or thrown away the empty ribbon core, please click here to purchase a new one.

  1. Prepare the new ribbon by removing its wrapping and pulling its adhesive strip free.

  2. Pull the release levers towards you and lift the cover. 

  3. Thread the ribbon through the hole beneath the supply hub.

  4. Slide the ribbon roll onto the right side spindle first, then swing the left side of the ribbon roll onto the left side spindle

  5. Rotate the ribbon roll until core's notches lock into the notches on the left spindle

  6. Place an empty ribbon core on printer’s take-up spindles. Rotate the ribbon core until the notches align and lock into the left side of the take-up hub.

  7. Pull the ribbon around from below the ribbon frame. Attach it with the adhesive strip to the empty ribbon core on the supply hub. Center the ribbon on the empty ribbon core

  8. Rotate the thumb wheel on the left side of the ribbon frame by the supply hub until the ribbon is pulled tight across the empty core.

  9. Close the top cover by releasing the cover lock in the back. Then press down until you hear the latch snap into place. Your printer is now ready to print.