Building a Seating Chart

Chart Builder Build a custom seating chart for each of your events. Select "Chart Builder" from the Seating tab to begin creating your seating chart. Select whether to start a new chart or reuse a template for a past event. Add elements by clicking on the blue Add icon located on the left-bottom corner of the page and select.

Written by Enrique Deolarte

Last published at: February 26th, 2025

Chart Builder

Build a custom seating chart for each of your events. 

  • Select "Chart Builder" from the Seating tab to begin creating your seating chart. 

  • Select whether to start a new chart or reuse a template from a past event. 

  • Select the Seating Standard that best suits your event. For example, if you're organizing a dinner, choose 'Table-1' to enable table insertion.


  • Add elements by clicking on the blue Add icon located on the left-bottom corner of the page and select the type of element you'd like to add. 



Tip: Right-clicking on any part of the canvas will allow you to add elements on that specific position. 



Adding Seating

  • Click on "Seating" from the "Add an Element" page or "Add Seat Block" from right-clicking the canvas. 

  • Enter "Section" name and select the range of rows and seats for each row. 

Tip: You can also select between only even or odd numbered seats. 



Tip: You can also duplicate a seat block to save yourself time when creating identical or similar sections.


Seat Block Options

  • Select a seat block and click on the menu icon on the bottom to edit the seat block as a whole. 


Row Options

  • Select a seat and click on the menu icon on the right to make changes to a row. 


Seat Options

  • To edit a specific seat, zoom in and click on the seat and the menu icon on the top. Seat options will only be viewable when zoomed in. 



Tip: Shift seats and rows by clicking on the yellow arrows. 




Adding a Shape/Runway

  • Click on the blue add icon or right-click and select "Add a Shape."


  • Enter shape configurations for your element. 

  • Click on menu icon for shape options.


Adding a Label

  • Click on the blue Add icon or right-click and select "Label."

  • Enter "Label" name and create.


  • Click on menu icon for options. 

  • Click on "Edit Label" to edit color and size.  

Note: All work done is auto-saved. 


Useful Tips: 


  • In order to rotate and move elements, click and hold the icons. 
  • While rotating and holding down the SHIFT key, upon release the element will snap to 45 degrees. 
  • While rotating and holding down the SHIFT and CMD keys, upon release the element will snap to 90 degrees.
  • While rotating and holding down the CMD key, upon release the element will snap to 10 degrees.
  • While moving and holding down the CMD key, upon release the element will merge with other elements.
  • While moving and holding down the CMD and ALT keys, the element will snap to 100px. 
  • PC Users: CTRL can be used instead of CMD. 
  • Hold CTRL (CMD key on Macintosh) while resizing a shape to activate the snapping feature.
  • Hold SHIFT while resizing a shape to activate the preserve aspect ratio feature, so that both the width and height grow or shrink proportionally as you drag a corner or an edge.
  • Hold both SHIFT & CTRIL (or CMD key on MAcintosh) to get both preserved aspect ratio and snapping to other objects while resizing.
  • Hold both SHIFT, ALT & CTRIL (or CMD key on Macintosh) to get both: preserved aspect ratio and step-based snapping feature.


Note: Chart Builder is only supported in newer browsers. IE11 and above, Firefox v30 and above, Chrome v30 and above.