Enhancing MIV with AI: Boosting MIV Accuracy for Instagram's Hidden Likes

Written by Andrea Sozzo

Last published at: December 12th, 2023


We're thrilled to introduce an update to our MIV calculation – the integration of a new model that boosts the MIV accuracy for Instagram posts with hidden likes.


Why This Is Important for You

Boosting MIV Accuracy

  • MIV Prediction: Our new model, using historical data and behaviors, predicts MIV on Instagram posts where likes are hidden. This means your MIV calculations will now reflect a more complete picture of engagement, even when likes aren't visible. Nowadays the percentage of posts with hidden likes is around 20% which isn't a negligible number


  • MIV Increase: While the primary goal is to achieve greater accuracy, this new model also contributes to overall growth in MIV. For posts with hidden likes, we've observed an average MIV increase of 60%. This uplift not only renders a more accurate representation of engagement but also enhances the overall value of your MIV scores.

Expanding Your Analysis Capabilities

  • Comparative Insights: With this update, you'll gain the ability to compare MIV on posts with both hidden and visible likes. This comparison offers you a deeper understanding of your audience engagement trends.

Demonstrating Advanced Technology for Your Benefit

  • Innovative Approach: By leveraging this AI technology, we're enhancing how placement impact is measured and analyzed, ensuring you're equipped with the most advanced tools in the industry.

Implementation Timeline  🗓  The new model will be in effect from January onwards.