RSVP Report
You can create or edit an existing template by either click "Edit" as shown below, or "Create Template".
These option will take you to the "Export Template" page where you can drag and drop the fields you need to view in your report.
You can search by “RSVP Status” in the search wizard and choose “All”, “Yes”, “No”, or “Pending” to create an RSVP list.
Other useful fields to use are:
- "Attended" this field will show you which invitees were checked into the event.
- "Date Attended" this field will show you the date and time the invitee attended. This time stamp is recorded at the moment the person in charge of check-in clicks "Checked in" in our Events app or "Attended" in Invitees Manager.
"RSVP Feedback this will allow you to search for RSVP Feedback from your invitees
- When you're happy with your layout and your results, you can export your report to EXCEL or PDF. You also have the possibility to email the report to your manager/client (or whoever it may be).