Samples Release / April 4th, 2023

Written by Margot Sylvain

Last published at: September 29th, 2023

 🗓 released April 4th

✨ Send-out report new filters

Ship from Company and Sender fields are now filters available in the Send-out report, allowing you to better understand and analyze your send-outs. 

✨ Location attribute

In the Location Editor, you can add a location Sort Order. This location sort order can then be used in your Delivery Memo template to sort the Samples.

This is very useful if you want to simplify the life of your pickers, picking items in the warehouse to prepare the send-out. It can help them follow a defined route and save time when preparing the package. 

✅ Better handling of HTTP error statuses

When scanning many many samples, the system would time out without warning the user scanning samples. We implemented a redirection to help better understand the system timed-out.