Online Advertising Banners

Written by Joan Albert Fontàs

Last published at: December 14th, 2023

Tracking or monitoring Online Advertising Banners in online articles and online medias, in a similar way to print advertisements, in order to better understand sponsored content and the impact of advertising, is a request that we sometimes get from our customers.

At Launchmetrics we don't currently offer this capability.

While technically is relatively simple to monitor a banner this type of content has some particularities that makes it very difficult to monitor consistently.

Banners are a dynamic content that will often change based on different factors: the the browser being used, the cookie and security settings, the banner vendor or the location can impact the content that the users sees. As there are many variables, it can happen that two users with similar settings reading the same article will still view different banners.

Also, banners may change over time, even on a specific article, the banners displayed will change as new campaigns, new advertisers or new products become available.

All these elements make it very difficult, if not outright impossible, to monitor banners in a consistent and reliable manner.