Email Domain Manager

Preventing emails from going to SPAM

Written by Jasmine Osman Caldeira

Last published at: March 28th, 2024

Email Domain Manager

The Email Domain Manager is where you can browse & add email domains that are verified or pending spam authentication.

When you want to send an email through the Launchmetrics platform with a custom SEND FROM email address (e.g., you must check for, and sometimes modify your authentication records in order to ensure your email is not flagged as spam. 

For example:  If your email address is, and you want to send a Contacts mailing or an Event Mailing with your email address as the SEND FROM EMAIL address, you will need to make sure that your domain (e.g. is added and verified in the Email Domain Manager. 

Note: is a separate domain from or so if your company has multiple email domains OR if you send emails on behalf of other companies, every individual email domain would need to be added and verified as needed.



Starting February 2024, Google and Yahoo have introduced a new requirement for all email senders  To ensure that your emails continue to reach your audience's inbox and not get filtered into the spam folder, it's now essential to have DMARC set up for your email domain. You can learn more here

Your IT team is likely already aware of these changes. .If your I.T team have not yet been made aware of this, we encourage you to reach out directly to your IT or DNS provider to request the creation of a DMARC record for any email domain that you use as a Send From Email. . This action must be completed by your local IT team or Domain Name Service provider (GoDaddy, Squarespace, etc.). Unfortunately, this is not an action that Launchmetrics is able to handle on your behalf as it's linked to your company's settings.

Why do I need to do this?

Internet Service Providers (ISPs), like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft, use different types of authentication as a way to scan incoming emails for spam. Emails that fail this authentication are more likely to end up in a spam or junk folder. 

Because Launchmetrics sending emails on your behalf, these outgoing emails will look "unsafe" to recipients unless authentication is in place - especially to email addresses associated to big corporations who have their own set of email security in place. In these situations, emails are even more likely to end up in spam. To ensure your emails reach your recipients’ inboxes there needs to be a custom authentication that denotes Launchmetrics as a "safe email sender".

There are 2 different types of authentications that must be put in place, DKIM and CUSTOM BOUNCE DOMAIN.

How to use it?

There are 2 ways you can arrive at this page. 
  • You may be redirected to the Email Domain Manager through the link in Contacts mailing or Events mailing, the domain you attempted to use will automatically be added to the list and checked if it is verified for DKIM & Custom Bounce Domain. Alternatively, you can also choose to use a domain that already exists on the list and is marked as VERIFIED.
  • You can proactively use this page to add domains that you know your company may need in the future. Especially if you have an external IT consultant, it may be easier to add all your domains at once to avoid having to reach out multiple times. You can navigate there from the user dropdown menu.  

To add a new domain simply click “Add Domain” and type in the domain you would like to add. Click NEXT to begin the process of checking authentication.

In the next step, in some cases, the domain you add may already be VERIFIED for spam, and the next page will say that the domain has been Verified. If it does not say Verified, then proceed to the next step.

Get in touch with your IT

Step 1: To request changes to your DNS Record, you will need the help of an IT person. 

Not sure who to contact? Here are a few tips on figuring it out:

  • Who sets up new email addresses at your company?
  • Who do you get in touch with when you have computer problems?
  • If you work at a very small company with no dedicated IT, you may need to ask a technical freelancer or consultant that you have on retainer.
Once you figure out who you need to get in touch with, click the “copy text” button and paste it into an email to your IT person. 

If your IT person is unclear on what they need to do, here is a more technical support article that they can reference: Prevent Emails from Going to Spam

Step 2: Once your IT person finishes the configuration, you can return to the email domain manager, upon initial load of this page you’ll see instantly if the domain is verified. 

If it says Verified, you can go ahead and use that domain in your SEND FROM email address. 

If it’s still Not Verified, wait a few hours and check again. Sometimes it takes a few hours for the DNS changes to take effect. If it still says NOT VERIFIED, open the options dropdown on the left side and click See Instructions

You’ll see which of the two (DKIM or CUSTOM BOUNCE DOMAIN) failed verification, or both. If either of them say “Failed”, copy the text again (as it might include helpful error messages) and send to your IT.

If it says “Pending Launchmetrics Action” next to DKIM or CUSTOM BOUNCE DOMAIN, this means that there is a change that the Launchmetrics engineers must make to complete the process. At this point, they have already been notified of the task but it may take 1-2 business days to complete. 


Can I send email without verification?

Yes, it is not recommended but possible. If your domain is still not verified, you can send your mailing. A warning message will appear, you will have to write SPAM in the text field to validate your action. This alert message will only appear once per user.



Although your domain may be verified today, changes performed by IT Teams in the future could possibly break the authentication. You may return to this page to periodically check the verification of your domain authentication.

💡 To learn more about how to keep your emails from going to spam, you can read this article.