Restricted Mode for iOS devices

Short description here

Written by Margot Sylvain

Last published at: July 24th, 2024



Available for iOS devices

The restricted mode is available on iOS devices for the Events Mobile application. For both iPad and iPhone devices.



When managing your event check-in, you may have people assisting or participating in the check-in process who are not part of your core team. If you have privacy concerns around other events you are managing, this feature allows you to lock the interface so that the person who is helping you to check-in, can only access a single event. This feature also allows you to limit the actions and the information these checkers can see while using the app. Let's take a look! 


Restricted mode

The restricted mode can be activated by any mobile user and will apply to the selected device only.



How to lock your event

  1. Log into the Events app on an iOS device
  2. Tap into an Event
  3. Tap the lock icon at the top
  4. Click on Continue
  5. Enter and confirm your PIN code

Now, you can hand the device to another person and know that they will only be able to access pages within the event (Dashboard, Invitee List, Seating, Scanning & Documents).


How to unlock your event

  1. On the event tap the lock icon
  2. Enter your PIN
  3. Select Unlock

Now you should be able to go back to the event list page.


Enable invitee confidentiality & limit invitee management

While locking the device to a specific event, you can also apply a confidentiality layer that will hide any invitee-sensitive information (email, address, job title, etc…) on the device.

The device will also be restricted in terms of invitee management, anybody using this device won't be able to modify seat assignments or add invitees. The device will be locked down to check-in activity only. 

Learn more about enhanced invitee privacy →